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Actress ( theater, audiovisual, voice-over):

find my entire work below.


Photo credit: Nicolas Larsonneau

Studies and degrees

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • Performing arts license, theater specialty , University of Poitiers (86), 2006

  • Obtaining the Diploma of Theatrical Studies (DET) from the regional conservatory of Poitiers, as part of the vocational guidance cycle, 2008

  • Voice over, voice-over, narration and dubbing training at IMDA, Boulogne-Billancourt, 2016

  • Training Les Coachs Associés, Asnière-sur-Seine , main speaker John Berrebi, May 2019

  • Intensive dubbing internship Titra Learning at Titra Films, supervised by Béatrice Delfe, 2020

  • Continuous dubbing training (themed development days), Titra Learning at Titra Films, supervised by Béatrice Delfe, Nathalie Régnier, Stanislas Forlani, Karl-Line Heller, Isabelle Brannens, Martial Le Minoux 2020

  • Voice over and narration development days, Titra Learning , supervised by Alexis Thual, Emma Clavel, 2020

  • Intensive Technical Workshop of the Modern Singer (TCM) , with Allan Wright, 2020

Voice-over, dubbing, voice-over

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • Voice meditation and relaxation for the Meditopia app

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • Mooc e-fran perseveres Canopé Network, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou (86)

  • E twinning Canopé Network, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou (86)

  • Audiobook Vital Du Dr Saldmann, Editions Theleme (Paris)

  • Audiobook Take charge of your health by Dr Saldmann, Editions Theleme (Paris)

  • E-learning Butterfly (for airport staff), G4F prod


  • Video game dubbing Need For speed Heat from EA: Journalist voice and supporting character Hayley, Studio G4F prod.

  • Voice over GPS artificial intelligence Le coup de la Panne , medium-length fiction by Jules POTTIER, Hybrid Films, Poitiers (86), in production

  • Character dubbing No animated film Pisces , end of studies project by Florine Paulius, EMCA Angoulême (16), In Post-production.

  • Voice over Road Safety (ASSR-ESR), Canopé Network, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou (86)

  • Teaser "Project kit", Canopé Network, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou (86)

  • e-learning "TRA pedestrian exhibition", Butterfly-training, Formative voice Studio G4F, Angoulême (16)

  • CNED e-learning, learning voice, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou (86)


  • Voice over dubbing video game Tennis World tour 2018 for the studio Cyanide Studios, G4F PROD SAS, in Angoulême (16)

  • Voice over dubbing video game Tour de France Cyclist Race 2018 for the studio Cyanides Studios, G4F PROD SAS, in Angoulême (16)


  • Teaser voice “Mooc Classe inversée” for the Canopé Network in Chasseneuil du Poitou

  • Voice over: "What is an industrial robot" for the Canopé Network in Chasseneuil du Poitou

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  • voice over for various institutional films such as UPA / U2P, for Vikensi Communication, Chasseneuil du Poitou


  • Voice over narration in The revealer , documentary directed by Jules Pottier, Hybrid Films, Poitiers

  • Voice over narration in the docu-fiction Les Filles directed by Rébecca Sénéchal, Réel factory, broadcast on France 3 in March 2016

Theatrical experiences


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  • The Fedem: choral and theatrical creation on social and cultural inequalities: Role Marine-Nadine

2015 to today

  • Improvising actress within ADIV (Amicale Des Improvisateurs de la Vienne )

  • Actress in various forms of Forum Theater within the company Arlette Moreau (Poitiers), within different structures.

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

2012- April 2015

  • Actress and co-director on the creation Si Survivant il ya , creation of the collective ACIDE , Poitiers (86).


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  • Actress on a public reading of Speak them of battles, kings and elephants , text by Mathias Enard, in Niort (79)

  • Actress for a show for young audiences in the seasons of Rosemarie (role Rosemarie) , text by Dominique Richard, in Poitiers (86) and Tours (37), directed by Amélie Loudin, Compagnie Titartpetit,

  • Assistant director on Copi's fridge , project by Rodolphe Gentilhomme, directed by Anne Courpron, in Poitiers (86)


In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

    • Actress on a young audience show in The Seasons of Rosemarie (Role Rosemarie) , text by Dominique Richard, at the Jules Vernes college in Poitiers (86), directed by Amélie Loudin, Compagnie Titartpetit

    • Public readings for the DRAC Poitou-Charentes , in schools, prisons and hospitals in the Poitou-Charentes and Charentes Maritime regions


    • Public readings for the DRAC Poitou-Charentes , in schools, prisons and hospitals in the Poitou-Charentes and Charente-Maritime regions

    • Actress in Les Iroquois , collection of texts, directed by Isabelle Ronayette, Compagnie Théâtre à Spirale, company of Jean Boillot


    • Actress in Le Cas Blanche-Neige (role La Reine) , text by Howard Barker, in Poitiers (86), directed by Amélie Loudin, company Titartpetit

    • Assistant director on the Fridge, text by Copi, project by Rodolphe Gentilhomme, directed by Anne Courpron, At the “Impulsions Femmes” festival in Niort (79)


    • Actress in Au But by Thomas BERNARDT ( Role: The mother ); directed by Amélie LOUDIN, Poitiers (86)

    • Actress in The Blind Goddess by Ernst Toller and Short plays by Georg Kaiser, directed by Agnès Delume, Compagnie Le Cygne.


    • Actress in Hamlet-Machine, text by Heiner Müller, directed by Amélie LOUDIN

    • Assistant director in Charcuterie fine de TILLY, directed by Charlotte GUITIERREZ

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    In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

    Cinematic experiences


    • Actress in Le Tambour des somnambules , directed by Antonin Sgambato, Sur les toits productions

    • Actress and voice in the docu-fiction Les filles directed by Rebecca Sénéchal, Réel Factory, broadcast on France 3 for March 2016


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    • Actress in the web-series Throwback , directed by Ghislaine André-Geay, horror series broadcast on the internet, Black Snail Prod.


    • Actress, assistant director of actor and scriptwriter on En Terrain Vague , medium-length film, Bestioles Production, directed by Marie Rimbert and Yoann Jouneau, Poitiers (86).

    • Actress, assistant decorator and assistant director of an actor on Le Régi G , web series produced by Claire Eveillé, in Poitiers (86).


    • Actress in an advertising spot for CPAM de la Vienne, directed by Richard Béguier, La Mouette à 3 queues, Poitiers (86)

    • Actress, screenwriter and assistant director of actors on Chick'n'Guns , series directed by Jules Pottier, Grenouilles Productions, Poitiers (86).


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    • Actress in the film The incredible and inenarrable story of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin dit Molière , directed and directed by José Manuel CANO LOPEZ, for Espace Molière in PEZENAS , filmed in Tours (37).

    In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

    In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

    Other experiences


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    • Intervention in theater, cinema, improvisation workshops, in various structures, neighborhood centers, colleges and high schools.

    2007 - 2012

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    • Participation in various artistic performances and plays within the Collectif 23 in Poitiers (86)

    2003 - 2009

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    • Actress in the Nocturnes Landscapes, at Grand-Pressigny (37), directed by José Manuel Cano Lopez, street theater festival.

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